Monday, December 11, 2006

Fletcher Blacksmithing

There is an art in everything and it is important in shoeing a horse that only those who are skilled in the art be employed. It is not only a matter of economy that this work should be well done but it is also necessary for the comfort and good condition of the animal. In Mr. John W. Fletcher we find a man who is expertly skilled in all the detail of the art and his new shop in a specially constructed brick building at 11 East Second street has everything in the way of tools and machinery necessary for successfully presenting his business of horse shoeing, general blacksmithing and wood working. This is a business which Mr. Fletcher thoroughy understands and it will pay anyone to inspect his shop, which is a model of mechanical appliances. Mr. Fletcher has procured the services of Mr. Souther, who is informed on all matters pertaining to a horse's foot and who has the reputation of being one of the best shoers in the state, and this department of Mr. Fletcher's business is constantly growing in populartiy.

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