Monday, September 18, 2006

Toll Gate

1885--One night Dr. Pence drove home from Bunker Hill over the Strawtown turnpike. He had seen it stated in the newspapers that the county had bought the turnpike and supposed the transfer had already been made. The night was exceedingly dark and the doctor jogged along without accident or incident, to mar his meditations until his horse stopped in front of the toll gate this side of Cole's Brewery. Thinking the horse had merely stopped from force of habit, he applied the whip to urge him on when the animal, after trying to jump over the pole across the road suddenly squatted and ran under it. The first warning the doctor had of his danger, the pole struck him amid ships and knocked him back on his beams end and the top of his buggy was raked off as the horse pulled it under the horizontal pole. Only those who are acquainted with the doctor can form the faintest idea of the horrid imprecations that rolled from his lips for the next half hour.
Wander how the drivers of today would like to pay a toll for using Strawtown Pike--golfers would have some" horrid imprecations roll from their lips."

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