Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Maria Rasputin in Peru

Maria Rasputin's family home was in Pokrovskoe, Siberia on the Tura. From her room in the Bearss Hotel she told reporters that it would be impossible to return to Russia-it would mean certain death. She was resigned to the fact that the United States would be her new home.
A movie was written about her father's life-"Rasputin and the Empress". According to Maria she had no desire to see the movie starring Lionel Barrymore. She did not feel it was a true description of her father.
In St. Petersburg, her father gained fame as a healer. The Czar NicholasII's son was ill and the medical men had all but given up on the boy. Rasputin went to the palace-through much prayer- the boy was able to recover from his illness. Rasputin and daughter Maria was invited to live in the palace. Rasputin's wife and two sons remained on the family farm. Gregori Rasputin met his death on December 16, 1916, by being drugged, poisoned, beaten and shot three times. He survived all this but actually died when they wrapped him in a carpet and threw him into the Moika Canal on the Neva River.

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