Thursday, July 27, 2006

1848 Peru

1848--We were always of the opinion, that Peru was the favored spot of creation, and every day but serves to convince us that we were not mistaken. It is but thirteen years since the first sale of lots was made--then in the woods--where the deer and the 'bar', the skunk, the squirrel, and the woodchuck, held undisputed sway--were the body corporate and politic, of the "vast area" over which the municipal authority of our present corporation is excercised. The lucky purchaser of a lot at that day, secured to himself nearly all the materials necessary to the construction of a comfortable "log cabin," as the whole town plat was covered with every description of timber suitable for such purposes. But the primitive domicils, like the early corporation, are gradually disappearing," and where once stood the neat log cabin, just big enough to let Queen Mab in," is to be found the neat and comfortable frame dwelling. which in its turn is fast giving place to the "House of stone brick and mortar," and with such rapidity are those changes taking place, that the lover of "nature unadorned," exclaims in the fullness of his agony-
"Oh dear! I grieve, I grieve, For the good old days of Adam and Eve."
note: From Peru Sentinal - Quite a flare for writing, don't you think? More tomorrow-------

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