Friday, July 28, 2006

Peru 1848

1848-Peru Sentinal--Continued from last blog--On Broadway, one frame and three splendid brick, business houses, are in the course of erection, while in every direction that we turn our eyes, may be seen, comfortable private residences, finished within the last year, all of which, most unerringly indicates the future position of Peru. We have Dry Good stores, Drug stores, and Tin shops, Carpenter, Cabinet and Chair Shops, Blacksmith, Hatter, Shoe, Saddler, and Wagon Maker shops, Carding machines, Saw mills, Grist mills, and almost every kind of manufactures in such abundance, that after supplying a population in town of 1005, and in the county of about 7000, we have a sufficient surplus to furnish all the little villages east of us along the canal. We have all the elements of greatness within ourselves, and could live perfectly independant of the balance of the world, were we encircled with a Chinese wall, but we are of that generous nature, that we are willing to share all the blessings it is our peculiar privilege to enjoy, with those less fortunate than ourselves.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

1848 Peru

1848--We were always of the opinion, that Peru was the favored spot of creation, and every day but serves to convince us that we were not mistaken. It is but thirteen years since the first sale of lots was made--then in the woods--where the deer and the 'bar', the skunk, the squirrel, and the woodchuck, held undisputed sway--were the body corporate and politic, of the "vast area" over which the municipal authority of our present corporation is excercised. The lucky purchaser of a lot at that day, secured to himself nearly all the materials necessary to the construction of a comfortable "log cabin," as the whole town plat was covered with every description of timber suitable for such purposes. But the primitive domicils, like the early corporation, are gradually disappearing," and where once stood the neat log cabin, just big enough to let Queen Mab in," is to be found the neat and comfortable frame dwelling. which in its turn is fast giving place to the "House of stone brick and mortar," and with such rapidity are those changes taking place, that the lover of "nature unadorned," exclaims in the fullness of his agony-
"Oh dear! I grieve, I grieve, For the good old days of Adam and Eve."
note: From Peru Sentinal - Quite a flare for writing, don't you think? More tomorrow-------

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Horse Racing in Peru

1902--Jerry Hardwick and Frank Bearss, both farmers of means and experience of Ridgeview, own horses which have the quality of speed and endurance. Jerry has of late been boasting of the superiority of his animal over the white steed owned by Frank who in equally vigorous argument said he was willing to bet anthing that his horse could beat Jerry's trotter at any time. Not until last week did an opportune time for the race present itself. The two men happened to meet on East Third Street and Bearss took up Hardwick's challenge for the race. Three times the contestants tore down the street but Jerry's gallant old steed which has done valiant service at the plow as well as hauling the butter and eggs to market these last twenty years, went down to defeat before the muddy white animal of Frank's. which has been in training hauling the Bearss children up the hill since the "crime of '73".

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Telephone in Peru

March 10, 1926--Bell Telephone celebrates its 50th anniversary. Peru's first telephone exchange came to the city in 1881-only five short years after the first public knowledge of Dr. Bell's invention. Several days before the opening of the exchange, a number of demonstrations were given, in the hope, probably, of convincing the doubtful and gaining a few subscribers. On one occasion a line was strung from a room about the Blue Drug Store to the Baptist church.
A few of the numbers: #1 Indiana Manufacturing Co.,#4 McCaffrey&Co.. #16 Bearss Hotel,
#28 First National Bank office, #47 J.O. Cole Brewery. Today if we are calling out of our area code we have to dial 10 numbers. If we are calling on a calling card we have to dial thirty-three numbers. Aahh! Modern Technology. No more turning cranks, no more party lines, no rotary dialing. Today we can carry a phone wherever we go--ain't life grand!