1848-Peru Sentinal--Continued from last blog--On Broadway, one frame and three splendid brick, business houses, are in the course of erection, while in every direction that we turn our eyes, may be seen, comfortable private residences, finished within the last year, all of which, most unerringly indicates the future position of Peru. We have Dry Good stores, Drug stores, and Tin shops, Carpenter, Cabinet and Chair Shops, Blacksmith, Hatter, Shoe, Saddler, and Wagon Maker shops, Carding machines, Saw mills, Grist mills, and almost every kind of manufactures in such abundance, that after supplying a population in town of 1005, and in the county of about 7000, we have a sufficient surplus to furnish all the little villages east of us along the canal. We have all the elements of greatness within ourselves, and could live perfectly independant of the balance of the world, were we encircled with a Chinese wall, but we are of that generous nature, that we are willing to share all the blessings it is our peculiar privilege to enjoy, with those less fortunate than ourselves.