Dr. Kalbfleish was born in St. Louis, being of German parentage. When he took up the study of medicine he abandoned the lifework which had been marked out for him previously, which destined him for the profession of minister in the Lutheran church. Following a year's post-graduate work in Chicago, Dr. Kalbfleisch located at Peru, and this has been his permanent residence ever since. In 1900 he erected his Sanitarium in this city, which was designed in the first place to accommodate his own large private practice. This is a two story brick building 78x26 in ground dimensions, and is equipped with the most modern appliances and conveniences for sanitarium and hospital practice. Immediately upon its completion, Dr. Kalbfleisch extended the use of his building to other members of the profession and thus to a large degree it has served the purposes of a general hospital. Though he is a graduate of the Hahnemann School of Medicine, he is not dogmatic in his devotion to the principles of homeopathy, and practices any system that offers the best results for the individual patient.
Note: When I was small Dr. Barnett had his practice in this building In 2006, it is now called the
Farris Wheel--an antique store.