Mrs. Jesse Steiner worked at Sq D Peru for 21 years. Jesse had a dog by the name of Brownie who would follow her to work everyday. She let Brownie watch her punch in and out and the dog would hang around all day waiting for her to leave work. Jesse left the Peru Plant due to ill health in 1949. Brownie continued coming to the plant everyday. Just before 7 a.m. he would be at the time clock, at the noon buzzer, and at quitting time. Workers at the plant believed you could set your watch by him.
The Peru Oldtimers decided that Brownie should be rewarded for his faithfulness. So, adding his mistress' service of twenty-one years--to Brownies four--they bestowed a twenty-five year pin to Brownie. What kind of dog was Brownie?? I believe they call it a heinz 57.