Friday, December 08, 2006
Amusements in Peru
It is always interesting to learn of the manners and customs of proceeding generations. The early settlers farmed mostly with oxen. Families went to church, to parties or visiting on foot, or else hitched the oxen to a big, heavy wagon. Many men went to church bare-footed. In summer their dress consisted of a hat, shirt, a pair of pants, with string or linne bark suspenders. Their amusements were nearly always associated with labor. They enjoyed log rolling. They sat around great heaps of logs in the evening, stirred the logs together and told huge stories. At corn huskings all the young folks of the neighborhood gathered and with their labor enjoyed music and stories. The ladies had their quilting, carpet rag and spinning parties. The men had wood choppings, and in the evening the largest room was cleared and all engaged in a big dance. Shooting matches were a great place for fun. The best marksman was the hero of the county. There was always something to eat and drink. The settlers also enjoyed hunting parties. It was very commom for neighbors to help raise barns. The men worked all day and were rewarded at the end of the day--the women cooked a huge meal for their labors. Can you imagine the kids of today thinking it would be fun to go to a barn-raising and have to work all day?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Benoma Nash

In the death of Benoma Nash at his home in Erie townsip on May 8, 1908, Miami county lost one of its prosperous and energetic citizens, a man who had spent all his life in this section of Indiana, was an industrious and capable agriculturist, and made a creditable and honorable record in all his transactions and relations with his fellow men. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Jessie Nash, and a family of children and Mrs. Nash has proved herself a capable manager of the fine farm estate on which Mr. Nash spent his latter years. Benoma Nash was the son of Robert and Ruhanma (Styers) Nash. In 1898 they settled on the farm in Erie township of Miami County, where Mr. Nash died. Mr. Nash had two hundred and forty acres in the homestead, and in 1913, Mrs. Nash purcased 118 acres and the total acreage is three hundred and fifty-eight acres of land.
The late Mr. Nash was a member of the Quaker faith. He served as superintendent of the dredging work in this section of the state, and was a progressive citizen who believed in development and improvement along all lines. At different times he used his efforts to get telephone service to his district, and was the type of citizen whose activities and influence count
for a great deal in the advancement of a county. Mrs. Nash maintained a modern home, fitted with all modern equipment, and is known as "Locust Crest," the abode of hospitality.
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