This may seem like a strange holiday but Sunday is Log Cabin Day. So in honor of this holiday I will write about a log cabin that is part of my heritage. Alexander Abshire and Susanna Swihart Abshire found a place near the Eel River, north of Roann, to set up housekeeping in 1863. The ground was purchased by his father, Abraham Abshire, in 1837.
The heirs of the family felt the history of the cabin needed to be preserved. The town of Roann, as part of the sesquicentennial celebration in 1966, decided to honor the early pioneers and through much effort rebuilt the log cabin. The original cabin was built of beech, walnut, maple, and native poplar. When construction began, the upper story was badly deteriorated so the structure was reduced to one story. The Abshire cabin now sits in the town park in the middle of Roann, several miles from where it was originally built. During The Roann Festival in September many visitors tour the cabin. When you enter you will see Alexander and Susannah's picture (my great-great grandparents).