October 12,1900- The democrats of Miami county, surely got little comfort out of Wednesday's meeting in Peru. The crowd at the railroad to greet Theodore Roosevelt, governor of New York, was simply measured by the acre. The lowest estimate was 8,000 people. The train was met at Logansport by a committee including Senator George Miller, Ex-Senator Robert Loveland. Ethan Reesoner and Dr. L. O. Malsbury, as the train pulled in Governor Roosevelt stepped to the door and was met by Captain Ira B. Myers and Hon. James F. Stutesman, who escorted him through the open ranks of the marching clubs to the speakers stand at the court house. Governor Roosevelt was introduced by Hon. Robert J. Loveland.
Robert Kennedy made a whistlestop in Peru in April of 1968. Children were let out of school so they could greet the candidate for President. Unfortunately, he was assassinated on June 5, 1968, so his dream of becoming president died with him.