Ghosts are often depicted as human size and shape but it supposedly is like looking through a sheer curtain --nothing solid. They seem to float in mid air. Some people believe ghosts wander aimlessly because they were not able to rest or see the light.
All those people that are fascinated by ghostly things will probably be going out to Okie Pinokie within the next two weeks since it is getting close to Halloween.It is quite interesting to read of people's experiences of going to this place at night.According to the urban legend eight bodies
have been found there. At one time Indians roamed those woods and probably lived in that vicinity. Where do you think they were buried? It is a long narrow lane to get there and yes, it would be very scary at night because it would be very dark with the trees overhanging on the road. If you are brave enough to go there take plenty of flashlights and good luck.