1902--Jerry Hardwick and Frank Bearss, both farmers of means and experience of Ridgeview, own horses which have the quality of speed and endurance. Jerry has of late been boasting of the superiority of his animal over the white steed owned by Frank who in equally vigorous argument said he was willing to bet anthing that his horse could beat Jerry's trotter at any time. Not until last week did an opportune time for the race present itself. The two men happened to meet on East Third Street and Bearss took up Hardwick's challenge for the race. Three times the contestants tore down the street but Jerry's gallant old steed which has done valiant service at the plow as well as hauling the butter and eggs to market these last twenty years, went down to defeat before the muddy white animal of Frank's. which has been in training hauling the Bearss children up the hill since the "crime of '73".
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