More on Hiram Bearss.....During World War I he served with the Marine brigade of the Second Division. General Bearss , while in that war requested a leave from the front. His commanding general gave him promise of a leave if he would capture a German. He took a dozen men on a raiding party the same night and came back with 80 prisoners. Bearss and his men got the leave. In 1919 after 20 years of service he was given the rank of Brigadier General. After his retirement Bearss was appointed to have charge of the United States soldiers guarding the mints in New York and Philadelphia, serving in that capacity until he returned to Peru about 1934. April 26th of that year he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Bearss received more commendations for personal courage, ability, leadership and high efficiency of his services to the allied cause than any other officer of his rank in World War I. Shortly, before his death he decided to enter politics in the primary and was chosen the Republican candidate for joint state senator from Miami and Howard Counties. He was never able to fulfill that dream due to an automobile accident that caused his death in 1938.