1885--Jacob Hahn, of Butler, came to town and notified the sheriff that one of his horses had been stolen the night before. He telephoned the fact to all the adjoining towns and had bills printed and distributed offering a reward for the arrest of the thief. The same day the sheriff of Wabash telephoned to Peru that the horse was found in that city in the possession of Jim Brown and Frank Kelly. The facts since learned are that Frank Kelly, who is a minor, wanted to marry a sister of Brown's wife, who is a Miami squaw. Kelly's father notified the clerk of the court of this county that his son was a minor and forbid his issuiing license to him to marry the dusky maiden. It seems Brown and young Kelly borrowed Hahn's horse and a neighbor's buggy and drove to Wabash and procured a marriage license for Kelly, who at once skipped the town and left the horse and buggy in charge of his partner. Brown was held subject to the orders from the sheriff of Miami county. Jake Hahn got his horse, Kelly got his bride and Brown went to jail.