Hometown Federal Credit Union will be seventy years old on August 18, 2006. The credit union started in a cubbyhole at Sq D, then moved to a 36x8 construction trailer, then yet another trailer that was 14x52. Credit Unions are owned by their members and are a non-profit organization. Credit unions offer most services that banks do, with the exception of large loans or mortgages.
Hometown F.C.U. started as Sq D Federal Credit Union and two of the charter members, Martha Opple and Ed Miller, are still with the credit union today.
The present building, at the corner of Ewing and Broadway, replaced the old Bonded Gas Station. Prior to that was the Golden Flash and the infamous Rainbow Bar.
A recent attempt in 2005, was to rob the credit union. The man handed a note-the teller thought he was joking-needless to say it rattled him so much he turned and ran out almost running into a customer.
The credit union is managed by Karen Crockett and seven board of directors.