The Peru Retail Grocery was owned by Robert Geberin. Bob started in the grocery business when he was sixteen at Lett's Grocery in Bunker Hill. He worked 50 to 60 hours a week receiving a paycheck of $12.00. Bob married Juanita Long and eventually moved to Peru from Bunker Hill.
Bob changed jobs working for Palmer & Ditzler Locker Plant. During the war he worked at Riggles' machine shop but his love for the grocery business prompted him to return. He maintained the Peru Retail Grocery in a building on North Broadway in 1948. A few years later Bob then built his business at 167 North Broadway next to the old Y.M.C.A.
Our dad, Bob Geberin, built an apartment on the back of the lot, then proceeded building his own new store. He then built an apartment above the grocery which gave us a high-view of Broadway. The" Cozy Nook," a restaurant with good home cooking, was also added (my mom's cooking). I still picture my dad grinding meat to make hamburger. Like other mom & pop groceries people ran "tabs" and would pay at the end of the week. Eventually he bought Squirrel Food Co. which dealt in restaurant supplies. Bob serviced Peru and surrounding communities.