1894--The cornerstone for the new Baptist church, Main and Wabash Streets was laid Tuesday July 17. This is what the box contained: History of the foundation and growth of the church, Roll of Sunday school teachers and scholars. Roll of the Ladies Social Union. The officers and members of the Women's Missionary Society and program for current year. List of members of the choir and amateur orchestra. Roll of senior and junior Christian Endeavor societies and of the Boys Brigade. Photograph of Geo. Geves, one of the founders of the church and the first to be buried from the old church. Picture of the exterior and interior of the old church. Picture of the present pastor, Rev. B.F. Cavins. Copies of city and county papers published in Peru. Copy of Peru city directory. Bible furnished by Pliny Crume. Letter from the First Baptist Church of the 19th century to the First Baptist Church of the 20th century. The sealed box contained these articles placed in the corner-stone.
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