The bath is a German discovery, protected by American patents, and was introduced into this country toward the close of the year 1899. This is the only one of its kind at present West of Brooklyn, New York. It has curative effects upon Gout in all stages; Muscular and articular Rheumatism in all forms. The bath has also proven itself very efficactous in treating Neuralgia: Nervousness; Muscular Atrophy; Stiffened Joints; Stagnations of the Blood; Asthmatic Complaints; Weakness of the Heart; Paralysis, Diabetes, and other diseases due to disturbed assimilation and circulation of the blood. The Electric Bath was located at 65 North Miami Street and was owned by A.H. Kalbfleisch, M.D. I wonder if this was like our modern day whirpools?
An antique store is open for business at the same address in 2006.
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