July 24, 1885--Saturday at 12:35, while most people of Peru were at dinner, many were startled by an explosion, which jarred the houses and caused a rattling of the sash and glass in the windows, and the silver, glass and queensware on the shelves of dealers. Some thought it was an earthquake, others a cannon, and a few believed that a steam boiler had exploded in the vicinity. It did not take long to discover that it was at the brewery just south of the river. The cloud of dust raised by the explosion was not dissipated for some brick-bats, boards, mortor and debris generally filled the air for some moments. The engine and boiler room, situated at the east side and near the north-east corner of the main building, was completely demolished. The bricks from walls were scattered over an acre of ground. They had rained against every foot of the massive stone wall of the ice house. The heavy boiler with its fifty-two flues was broken in two parts near the middle.
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