At 1 0'clock Monday morning the drillers on the Aaron Dukes propery, north of the basket factory, notified A.T. Reed, the acting superintendent that Trenton rock had been reached at 849 feet. Work was stopped when the drill had penetrated twenty-six feet deeper. Monday night the oil had begun to flow over the top of the well. The well was capped Tuesday night, it probably will produce 2oo barrels.
This was the beginning of intense excitement in the Peru field. Flax Hill was honeycombed with wells and there were hundreds of derricks standing on town lots. Millions of barrels of oil were pumped from this field. Oil men from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana flocked to Peru and sunk well by the hundreds. Land owners in royalties were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the field finally petered out.
It is a shame that the oil ran out--maybe we could tap into them again and not be reliant on foreign oil.
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